Quantum Entanglement & the Divine
by Dr. William Keepin
Episode 1: Inner Net of the Heart
Join Dr. Keepin as he dives into the concept of the Holomovement by David Bohm, highlighting the interconnectedness of the cosmos. Through mathematical fractals, he illuminates the profound parallels between science and spirituality, exploring the idea that each of us is a microcosm of the universe itself.
Episode 2: The Deeper Meaning of E= mc2
Dr. Keepin explains that Albert Einstein’s famous formula is not just about physics - it is a formula that reveals the creation of the Heavens and the physically manifested world. Discover how science and spirituality come together to reveal the origin of the cosmos!
Episode 3: God is Both Female and Male
Dr. Keepin unpacks the diverse theological frameworks—from Christianity to Hinduism and Kabbalah— that reveal God as both male and female. With fascinating insights into sacred texts, mystical traditions, and symbolic parallels, you'll journey through ideas of divine union, balance, and oneness.

Dr. William Keepin holds a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, a masters in mathematical physics, a masters in East-West psychology, and honorary doctorate from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He has presented testimony to European and Australian parliaments, and the US House of Representatives. He has published numerous books and writings in a wide variety of fields, especially on the intersection of science and spirituality. He co-founded the Satyana Institute to facilitate dialogue and interspiritual practice across major religions and science.